
In 2025 we are working towards rebuilding in a post Helene world. This Fundraiser will allow us to keep going to be a part of rebuilding our artistic community, and when the time is right - begin to produce live theatre again. We love our community down to our souls and want to be a part of what's to come in our home of Asheville, NC.
Your donation will go towards:
Final Payments for our 2024 Productions.
Future Programming, Rights and Media.
Organizational Development and Management.
Free Programming for the Community (TBA).
We are grateful any and all help that you can give during this time! Happy New Year!

"We really loved this show! Great acting, singing, and staging. Of course the content was terrific. What an auspicious start to a great new theatre company in Asheville."
"I am so appreciative that I get to experience work of this caliber right here in Asheville. This was easily my favorite show I've seen here."
"Ya'll are incredible! Thank you so much for bringing light and breathing life into this story."